Noa is a young student just starting on her training journey here at Johnson Equestrian and her video blogs after each lesson are refreshing and enjoyable.The latest Blogs are at the end, so just scroll down to the bottom to see the latest. I hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoy making them. Well done Noa - always keep learning. Hi and welcome, My name is Noa Blue, I’m nine years old and this is my blog on horse riding! With the help of my teacher Chrissie from #JohnsonEquestrian, I’m going to share lots of tips and tricks which I will be learning with my cute cheeky pony Jessie…fondly known as ‘Missy Moo”. Until next time heels down and keep on trotting….. ![]() 11/8/16 Today's blog from Noa Blue is a video blog about her lesson today. It is about the importance of pressing on the mane and being able to take a pinch of mane in your fingers when you start to jump. Take a look at Noa's video blog. 18/8/16 Today's blog from Noa Blue is about control of your pace. 21/8/16 Today's blog from Noah Blue is about belief- believing that you can get back in the saddle if you lose a stirrup or become unbalanced. 29th August 2016 This is really #Noa'sBlog Number 5 - and it is about position and balance and about doing drills and exercises to prepare yourself for things you might encounter in your #riding.#JohnsonEquestrian #Horseriding #Noa'sBlog #RidingLessons 1st September 2016 This is #Noa'sBlog Number 6 - and it was about a lot of things- riding related lines -changing the lines,learning about types of jumps ie spread and verticals and a bit about poisonous weeds.#riding.#JohnsonEquestrian #Horseriding #Noa'sBlog #RidingLessons 3rd Sep 2016 This is #Noa'sBlog Number 7- and it was about being an organised rider.#riding. #JohnsonEquestrian #Horseriding #Noa'sBlog #RidingLessons 8th Sep 2016 This is #Noa'sBlog Number 8- and it was about the importance of good basics.#riding. #JohnsonEquestrian #Horseriding #Noa'sBlog #RidingLessons 10th Sep 2016 This is #Noa'sBlog Number 9- and it was about the creating good habits.#riding. #JohnsonEquestrian #Horseriding #Noa'sBlog #RidingLessons
Big congratulations to George today at the AWHA Gala Day- Smokey 1st in the 7yo class, Stella 2nd in the 6yo class, Dan clear in the Open. Well done. Thanks to Lachy for super strapping. Thanks to proud part owners Liz Watson Jess Johnson Susan Joy Farrell and thanks to breeders David and Robyn Robertson #GeorgeJohnson #JohnsonEquestrian #Showjumping Thanks also to John Kohnke and Kay Kaye Kohnke of for their support.
1. Be positive in your opinions and your posts. Don’t be controversial or argumentative. Never post images that will cause embarrassment or regret. Always be sure to have permission to use people’s images. Never speak negatively about a competitor.
2. Differentiate your business and family areas. Use a different profile or account for your personal connections. 3. Encourage and acknowledge feedback and monitor your pages daily and delete unwanted material. Create a section on your main profile detailing who you are seeking to befriend and ask that visitors abide by that information. 4. Offer information of value. Don't talk just about yourself and your company. Share educational posts you value. Refresh your page daily and learn to use the scheduling tool to save time. 5. Know your friends and followers. Don't approach strangers and ask them to be friends with you just so you can then try to sell them on your products or services. You will quickly lose credibility and your so-called 'friends.' 6. Direct traffic back to your webpage and learn to use hashtags and links. Pick a screen name that represents you and your company well. 7. Don't send out requests for birthdays, invitations to play games or other timewasters for those using the site. Don’t buy likes- better to build a reputation and followers will come. 8. Don't put anything on the Internet that you don't want your future boss, current client or potential clients to read. These things never go away and can always be traced back to you. 9. Check out the people who want to follow you or be your friend. Your mother was right when she said that people will judge you by the company you keep. Don’t accept every friend request just to boost the numbers 10. Never post when you're overly-tired, jet lagged, intoxicated, angry or upset. Compose your posts, updates or tweets in a word processing document so you can check grammar and spelling before you send them. Refer to the EA’s Social Media Policy Christine Johnson EA NCAS L2CE email [email protected] ![]() We really have a busy and varied schedule here at #JohnsonEquestrian Centre. Some people think we are just a showjumping stable, or just kids holiday camps, or just coach training, but there is so much happening here at Nelson I am sure you will want to keep abreast of all the daily happenings? You can see more about us and our daily photos on my Facebook pages and links : Christine Johnson Johnson Equestrian Services Equestrian Coaches All About Horses Or on our website YouTube Instagram Google Plus Email [email protected] Phone Chrissie 0412 405079 or George 0431 212661 Here at last is our APRIL 2016 Newsletter, sorry it's been a while. Hope you enjoy it. If you would like to subscribe to our newsletters there is a sbuscribe button at the end of the newsletter. Take a look. Feel free to share with your friends. Click here to see April Newsletter
COACH OF THE MONTH: Christine Johnson
COACH OF THE MONTH is a regular series in the Equestrian Australia Evolve e-News. It is a way of highlighting the EA coaches and educators who work with dedication and passion all over Australia. This month I was delighted to be asked to take part – enjoy! Christine Johnson is a level 2 NCAS General Coach Educator and an Introductory Vaulting Coach. She is 60 years old and lives in Nelson, NSW where she owns her own business with her son. Chrissie grew up in the pony club life and attended Hills District from when she was 8 years old up until 18. She competed in State Championships in Eventing and Showjumping all over NSW and won the Associates State Eventing Championships in her last year in Pony Club. "Pony Club gave me a solid grounding in so many different areas of riding and provided many happy horsey memories" shares Christine. She was very much into Eventing as she left Pony Club and competed and placed in Sydney and Melbourne 3Day Events for several years and was longlisted for the World Championship in Kentucky. She remembers it as an exciting and adrenalin filled time! The talented rider studied Art, got married and worked in racehorse training for 16 years. "The racing industry showed me a whole new side to the horse industry and I learnt so much. We had a lot of success and it was a very rewarding part of my life. When my marriage ended I returned to performance horses and took a job in Victoria lecturing at Marcus Oldham College in the Horse Business Management Course. This was a great adventure and an amazing learning experience. I met industry leaders and inspirational professionals and made wonderful friends and contacts." Christine came back to Sydney where she taught horse courses at TAFE and then set up Johnson Equestrian Services, and has been running her business now for 15 years, offering lessons to students in all disciplines on either their own horses or on one of her 15 horses. She has two children George and Alice that are both good riders. George is a coach and professional showjumping rider and is her business partner. Alice is a journalist and lives in England at the moment. Chrissie holds weekly Coach Training Clinics and trains and assesses coaches for EA Intro through to Level 2 Horse Management and Coaching Certificates. She is also on the ENSW Education Committee and on the Pony Club Associations Paid Instructors panel and conducts Coach Training and Assessments for them throughout NSW. "I am very interested in any training that benefits the welfare of the horse and improvement of the rider as an athlete. I am a keen advocate of Clicker Training and the benefits of positive reinforcement in training and I practice Feldenkrais and Pilates to improve my awareness of posture and mental awareness of movement patterns for myself and my students. During her spare time, Christine enjoys her passion for photography and wildlife and has a strong involvement in social media. She won the Social Media for small businesses in the Hawkesbury Award. She has been an active Committee member of the Sydney Showjumping Club since 2001 and has been their Publicity Officer. "I have convinced the entire Committee to embrace social media and now we have a very active, well supported Facebook Page, which I manage." Christine hopes she will continue to coach and ride for many years : "I love being a full time coach. I live and work in a wonderful environment, it is a privilege to work alongside my son and I now have a much treasured granddaughter to indulge. We have some truly wonderful students and they let me love my work! I consider myself to be very lucky!" HERE is a video of Chrissie made by one of her students. We resume Coach Training here at Johnson Equestrian next Wednesday 13th Jan 2016. From 10am to 2pm. Please note, there has been a small increase in the fee. The cost is now $110 (incls. GST) per person, for a four hour shared session. Please let me know if you are able to attend.
Cheers Chrissie Phone 0412405079 email [email protected] |
AuthorHi there, I'm Christine Johnson - I've created this Blog to share coaching information, tips and advice on horse riding and horse training. All comments welcome Archives
August 2016